My family and I are back home in New Orleans and I'm still accepting maritime photography assignments. I recently moved my web hosting and am still testing and fixing some of the client content which broke during the move. Please email me if your projects are unavailable and I'll re-prioritize my fix it list.
Ray Broussard - Maritime Photographer & Industrial Time Lapse Photographer
Also visit Ray's for very old non-marine project examples.
Maritime New Media is a one person company.
I've always been fascinated by the maritime industry - boats, ships, shipyards, ports, offshore structures, the Mississippi River, the Gulf of Mexico and South Louisiana's wetlands. Like most South Louisiana teenagers, I spent a lot of time on and around boats - fishing, shrimping, skiing, sailing, etc. I worked on boats and offshore platforms in the 1970s as a deckhand and operator. I earned a degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (BSc. 1986) from the University of New Orleans and worked as a naval architect for ten years before starting Maritime New Media. (See my resume for more details on my naval architecture career at David Taylor Model Basin and SUPSHIP New Orleans)
I know my way around shipyards and marine vehicles. I understand the complexities of shipyard schedules. I know what is relevant and of interest to people in the maritime community.
Since 1995, I've captured and delivered over 80,000 marine related pictures to my clients. Most of those photographs were new construction progress and milestone photos for vessel owners and still and time lapse photography for owners, charter parties and shipyards. I can very neatly organize mass quantities of project photographs and deliver online, on CD or DVD. I've created extensive photo documentation CDs of fire damaged vessels for courtroom use by admiralty lawyers. Vessel owners sometimes hire me as Project Photographer during new construction projects.
One of the great things about a photography career is that you train yourself to look for the beauty that is always around us. I easily find that beauty when the photography assignment is marine related.
I really like ships, boats, boat people and shipyards and enjoy being around them with my cameras - welders, painters, riggers, carpenters, foremen, project managers, yard managers, engineers, senior management, other vendors, oversight people, - to me, they are some of the most interesting people in the world. I understand their industry, their jobs, their equipment and most of their procedures. I know their product. I understand the owner-builder relationship. I know how to follow their rules, be safe and stay out of their way. Boat crews and most of their shore based people are equally interesting photography subjects.
Its fun to be an owner's project photographer during construction. Most people on the owner's team have huge responsibilities for schedule and budget with a never ending string of problems and are busy inspecting, witnessing and reviewing the builder's work. I visit as needed and tour the shipyard and vessel, carefully doing my thing and photographing everything related to the project. Then I return to the studio and post process - review, sort, rename, crop, enhance, sharpen, resize, sometimes caption, compress, author, post and test the html online web album or add new pictures to the project's online photo database, etc. The clients always act pleased and sometime even rave about their pictures. I sure enjoy my work.
Did you pick your career or did your career pick you? I became a professional photographer by accident. I was a naval architect who enjoyed multimedia programming as a hobby. I tried to start a business providing photoVR tours linked to vessel's drawings and logistics databases as 'PhotoShipCDs'. Maybe you saw my booth or seminar at the WorkBoat Shows or one of my ASNE or SNAME presentations in the mid and late 1990s. Boat owners started hiring me for regular photography assignments in 1996. At first I didn't like being just a photographer and wasn't very good, but I've since discovered marine photography is my thing and I do it very well. Its as if I've been training for 40+ years to be a great maritime photographer. I'd rather be on a maritime photography assignment more than just about anything in the world.
I'm a competent industrial and architectural photographer, but am at my best when doing maritime photography. My boat pictures come out nice because of my passion for our industry.
Take a look at some of my movies from marine time lapse photography assignments:
I enjoy making time lapse movies. The big ship roll over and launch above was particularly fun as it was 17 hours of motion over the course of many days.
For maritime clients, I charge my rate for my time on site, plus my time in the studio post processing and preparing images for electronic delivery. The client (and their assigns) usually get nonexclusive license to use any imagery delivered for any legal purpose in perpetuity. I usually spend at least three or four minutes in post processing for each picture and generally shoot a lot of pictures when on site. I almost always deliver electronically and always include the highest resolution version available. I don't sell prints - unless you want me to. I'll shoot on film or digital, but prefer digital for most assignments. If it weren't for boat launches, I wouldn't be using my film cameras hardly at all anymore.
************************** More information about Ray's mail lists **************
The following copy is intended to help search engine's find this page, when appropriate.
Admiralty Law List
Welcome to the Admiralty Law Email List, which is for admiralty lawyers, naval architects, other expert witnesses and those interested in admiralty law.
Topics include admiralty law, maritime issues, naval architecture, marine engineering, ships, boats, offshore, O and G (Oil and Gas), submersibles, pollution, navigation, claims, P and I, vessel finance, vessel arrest, vessel fire, towage, tonnage admeasurement, cargo, salvage, vessel documentation, maritime liens, collision, limitation of liability, coast guard regulations, the CFR, charter parties, contracts, etc.
Group was formed to replace the original Yahoo group 'shipbuilding' where most messages were spam and the list owner was absent.
Open to anyone involved in or interested in shipbuilding. Boat and ship owners and operators, shipyards doing new construction or repair of commercial or military vessels, propeller manufacturers, ocean engineers, naval architects and mechanical, electrical and civil engineers, admiralty lawyers, suppliers, craftsmen & marine industry vendors are all welcome to discuss any related topic.