We encourage you to explore our site and learn more about the services we provide. Should you have any questions or would like more information on our firm, please feel free to email or call us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Our commitment is to provide the best possible professional service in the following areas of business:
-New Company Startups. -Incorporation
-Government tax filing applications
-Prepare & Efile your taxes online.
-Accounting and reporting based on each individual company needs.
-Preparation of individual, partnership and corporate income tax returns.
-Electronic Filing and Fast Refund service available for individuals.
-Monthly accounting and bookkeeping services.
-QuickBooks set up, train and support.
Prepare & Efile your taxes online now!
Miriam Brown ha servido la comunidad hispana desde 1985 prestando sus servicios de preparacion de impuestos en el area de Nueva Orleans, Louisiana. Todo tipo de servicios relacionado con la declaracion de ingresos e impuestos incluyendo el servicio de reembolso rapido ahora disponible, permitiendo al contribuyente recibir su reembolso en 48 horas y deposito directo a su cuenta bancaria si asi lo desea. read more