Through our custom designed center, its "home like" atmosphere, and our experienced staff, we strive to provide your child with the love, guidance and tools they need to develop in the four major areas of growth and development.
The first of these areas is Intellectually. Our goal is to develop logical, creative thinking habits, to acquire competency in oral expression, develop awareness and appreciation of family, neighborhood and nation. Acquire skills such as alphabet and numeral recognition, beginning writing skills, colors, calendar skills, etc.
from your home
or office PC!We have Internet video monitoring for parents of children enrolled in our center. Parents' Link
The second area is Socially. They will learn to show respect and to be courteous. They will gain independence by relating to people outside of their home.
The third area is Emotionally. They will learn what is unique and special about themselves. They will gain confidence and security by learning they are loved.
Physically is the last development area. They will develop healthy bodies through age appropriate activities. They will learn healthy habits, eating right, proper hand washing and potty training.
Our teachers are aware that each child will grow and develop at their own pace. We do not believe in pushing the children into anything they are not ready for. We respect the individuality of each child and will nurture their own special abilities and help them overcome any disabilities. We look forward to the day, when sadness fills our hearts, but pride overwhelms us, as your child moves on to kindergarten, and we know we have reached our common goal.
Phone: 504 341-2223 Fax: 504-341-0441 E-Mail: weecareforkids1@aol.com
Wee Care for Kids is located in Harvey on the Westbank of New Orleans. CLICK FOR MAP
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