Salon W is a full service Paul Mitchell Focus Salon located on School Street in Moss Bluff. We have a full line of Paul Mitchell retail products available to our customers and we use only Paul Mitchell professional hair care products for all hair services that we perform. Our focus status with Paul Mitchell allows us to receive hands on training with certified Paul Mitchell Educators from the comfort of our own salon. This enables us to keep up with the ever evolving hair trends and styling techniques.
Salon W offers S.O.Cap.USA Hair Extensions. Weather you are looking to add a splash of color for the summer, wanting to add some hi-lites without damaging your hair, add body or want a full set of extensions we can help you achieve the look you desire. Individual strands of fun colors such as pink, blue or red are available for $10 which includes the application. Please contact us to schedule a consultation and pricing on full sets.
bare Minerals-you've seen it on TV, you've read about it in magazines and most importantly you've heard about it from your friends and family that absolutely love it! What more do we need to say? All of our stylist have received training from bare Minerals and would love the opportunity to introduce you to the line. For customers who already use bare Minerals products we invite you in during our normal business hours to purchase your refills or expand your pallet. For customers new to bare Minerals that would like an introduction to the product line we ask that you please schedule a consultation so that we have the time available to better serve you.