Sonny's Help and Support page is design to give heplful hints and acess to free software avalable to the public.
Download and install all Microsoft updates.
Download and install all AVG updates, AVG only update the virus protection software, you still have to update the program software.
Run your virus protection once a week.
Download Gary's utility and run it once a week. I like to run the Tracks Eraser, you have to check the option button and check all of the options. If you want to track your kids don't use this option
Download Malwarebytes, run it every two weeks unless you are having problems.
Remember that if you do maintenance on your computer once a week and you get a message that you need to download software, it is probably bad for your computer.
GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google Gmail account and enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your Gmail account directly from inside Windows Explorer. GMail Drive literally adds a new drive to your computer under the My Computer folder, where you can create new folders, copy and drag'n'drop files to it.