Welcome to our church website!
We are an independent fundamental Baptist church. We have tried to make this site as simple and friendly as possible.
Please take some time and look around on our website.
The phonebook for Slidell lists 24 Baptist Churches.
What is the niche ministry of our church?
2. Strong pastoral leadership
3. Biblical preaching and teaching on role of men and role of women
4. Emphasis on paternal leadership in home, church, and society
5. Emphasis on young men developing into leaders
6. Emphasis on young men and women developing character
7. Our Pastor's longevity, in the pastorate.
(Retired Commander Kevin Maehler, United States Coast Guard)
If you desire to see photo's of our activities in the church just go to
Branches and additional offices:
(318) 396-1389164 Defreese Rd West Monroe, LA 71291-1207
(337) 984-3744800 Rue De Belier Lafayette, LA 70506-6520
(225) 387-0762649 N 40th St Baton Rouge, LA 70802-2052