If you own or want to acquire real estate, whether you are a small business, company or individual, you can benefit from the vast experience of Robert Wolf Realtor-Appraiser
If you own or want to acquire real estate, whether you are a small business, company or individual, you can benefit from the vast experience of Robert Wolf Realtor-Appraiser.
For Lease: 22.4 acres commercial ground lease or will develop and build to suit. Four miles south of Horseshoe/Masonic intersection. Call for market price or other information. 1-800-673-2216. Robert Wolf Realtor
For Lease: 13.75 acres commercial site fronting Hwy 28 West. Will build to suit. $12,500 per month. Call 1-800-673-2216
1.1 mile from new Wal-Mart across from City Receation Complex near England International Airport. Size 26.42 acres. Frontage: 1227 feet on Hwy 28 West, 540 feet on McKeithen Drive. $12 per square foot. Call Scotty Stevens @ 1-800-673-2216.
2000 sq ft commercial space in prime location for retail with more than ample parking. High traffic & excellent exposure. Call 1-800-673-2216