1210 Church Street • Zachary, Louisiana • Phone (225)654-4110 • Fax (225)654-4109
Why Do People Store?
Zachary Storage Solutions provides the climate-controlled storage space you
don't have at home or in the office. Whether you are moving a household or
expanding your business, storage space is available from 5x5 to 10x20 sizes. You
simply pay for what you need. Your space is your own - safe, secure and private!
ResidentialJust sold your house, redecorating a room, need room in the garage to park the
car, closets full of out-of-season clothes, seasonal decorations, etc.CommercialExpanding your business, extra office furniture, files and receipts, seasonal items,
SecurityComputerized keypad access
24-hour Camera Surveillance
Completely Alarmed Building
Individual Door Alarms
Your own key, your own space
We protect your privacy
On-site Retail OfficeYour one-stop shop
Full line of packing supplies
Complimentary platform trucks
We sell boxes and packing supplies.
Don't pack until you call us!
Whether family heirlooms or important business documents, you can rest assured that they are conveniently stored in our clean, climate controlled bldg.