Confidence: Crews have seasoned experience to satisfy the most demanding challenge.
Organization: Our ability to give you "One Source Service" for all of your Cathodic Protection needs.
Attitude: Positive all the way. That's what gives us the ability to guarantee our work.
Service: "We are large enough to Service you and Small enough to Know you".
Teamwork: The key to Coastal's success and your assurance of reliability.
Atmosphere: Of trust and confidence to achieve a common goal.
Leadership: Coastal has been developing new techniques and products making us one of the Largest and Fastest growing Companies in our field.
Corrosion prevention has been our business since we opened our doors. Coastal Corrosion Control, Inc. employs professional construction and installation personnel. We can perform cathodic protection surveys, turnkey installations, evaluate soil conditions, and develop a cathodic protection system to meet your needs. We have the right combination of personnel, equipment and materials to do your job right the first time and give you a total job guarantee. We thank you for your interest in our company and request that you contact us at your convenience, if we can furnish additional information on our services.