Greetings in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, and welcome to the web site of Trinity Baptist
Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Trinity is a reformed Baptist Church affiliated with both the
Southern Baptist Convention and the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America. We
are dedicated to the proclamation of Gods amazing grace, the strengthening and equipping of His
disciples, and the worship of His holy and fearful Name. We strive to please our Lord by
cultivating a high love for Him and by obeying Him in holiness and service. God reveals Himself to
us infallibly in His Scriptures, and He calls us to search His Scriptures as our only standard in all
matters of doctrine and practice. We believe that He calls us to preach Christ crucified, to
worship Him in song and in the sacraments, to pray corporately and privately, to teach the strong
meat of Scripture, to serve one another with humility, and to bring the gospel to the lost. Our
hope as a church is to grow in obedience in all these areas and to stay focused on our chief
purpose, bringing honor to our wonderful and faithful God.